Saturday, July 13, 2013

GO NOLA 2013...

GO NOLA 2013... 

(click here if you need a refresher on what this trip is all about)

Even though I've been going on this trip since 2009, I'm anticipating a VERY different trip this year.  Yes, there is always learning and growth that comes from this trip and always life change that happens...and that will be the case this year as well.  However, this will be the first year that I get to experience this trip free of responsibility. No responsibility distractions.  I'm going to be able to fully engage in this experience at a level that has never been possible.  Sounds great right???  I'm still trying to decide...

I think that God has been speaking to me through others for about 7 months now. I believe that he's trying to teach me a lesson in TRUST and REST.  Through my awesome SFL leader, Katie Frazier, I'm learning that God is obsessed with my TRUST and continuously gives me opportunities to fully trust in him.  This sounds so easy to do...but I continuously rely on myself instead of him.  This is showing up a ton through my job at CityLink and just my life in general.  I'm not balanced between work and rest.  I'm constantly throwing myself into striving mode where I feel like I have to do more, take care of everything myself, and I forget to rest and abide in God.

So, last week I came across this verse:

Jeremiah 32:17
Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.

I actually posted it on my wall to remind me that he's got this.  He owns what happens at CityLink, he owns my work load, he owns my trip experience, he owns me...and he can handle it!

I'm putting this out there because I need your help in my growing process.  You can help by holding me accountable for engaging fully on this trip.  That's going to require me to LET GO of what is happening at CityLink and back home while I'm away.  If you pray, pray that I can learn the true meaning of REST and reap the sweet fruit from being obedient in TRUSTING God.

I'll be keeping you posted along the way on how this is playing out.  AND I'll be posting fun stuff from the trip!

1 comment:

  1. Sleeves rolled up hands wide open for all that God has planned for you!
